Then, each class elected their own class councillor. Finally, the ballot box was put out for the children to cast their vote and select their Head Boy and Girl. Stay tuned to find out who tour new leaders will be!

Democracy Day was an exciting day for everyone Hoxton Garden. They began with their hustings, where the year 6 candidates delivered speeches, persuading the school to give them their vote.
Year 6 had an amazing time at JCS in Dalston Youth Hub for a TfL and Junior Citizen workshop. They learned about fire safety, emergencies, dental care, road safety and…
Our Reading Champions met their counterparts at Hackney Town Hall for their second in-person meeting. The champions discussed the next challenge of increasing book knowledge in our schools. They also received some…
EYFS got creative for Work Week! They made homemade play dough, packed it into pots and sold it at our Enterprise Fayre.
Year 1 created wooden paper clips and pencil toppers to sell at the enterprise fayre last week. They used a variety of materials like clothespins, pipe cleaners and pom poms.…
Year 6 have become young music producers this half term! Using GarageBand on iPads, they explored recording chords, bass lines, vocals and drum loops.
In maths, EYFS have been practising their number formation using chalk, water and paintbrushes. They also honed their subitising skills with a dice.
Our Art Ambassadors have been putting their creativity to work, designing a vibrant recreation of the Bike Bus route map, hoping to inspire more pupils to join the cycling group.…
Year 3 took part in a food workshop with Nourish, our catering company for Work Week. They teamed up with our school chef to make a salad for everyone, learned…
Year 1 had an amazing visit from local police officers during Work Week! They were eager to learn how officers serve the community, exploring their role and the essential tools…