Reminder; Parents/Carers, you are all welcome to join us for this year’s festive seasonal performances starting this week. Please check the dates for your child’s year group and feel free to come along! We look forward to welcoming you!
Reminder; Parents/Carers, you are all welcome to join us for this year’s festive seasonal performances starting this week. Please check the dates for your child’s year group and feel free to come along! We look forward to welcoming you!
EYFS have been exploring the numbers 6, 7, and 8. Last week, they rolled dice and showed their understanding by representing the numbers on tens-frames and writing them down.
Year 6 has started exploring Alaska in Humanities! As part of their holiday homework, they researched this incredible region and created models to showcase their learning. They have loved sharing…
Click here to view our special lunch menu that will be served on Thursday, 6th March for World Book Day.
For Mental Health Week, Year 4 explored the impact of online habits, discussing the difference between healthy and unhealthy screen time. To celebrate balance, we wrote and illustrated our favorite…
Year 6 continued their learning about Spain by researching stereotypes and discovering that many were untrue. After making informed judgments using reliable sources, they presented their findings to their class!
EYFS travelled back in time at the Science Museum. They explored clocks from the past and present, learned about life as an engineer during World War I and even stood…
Year 4 had an amazing time listening to the Apollo String Quartet. They enjoyed dramatic and beautiful music from composers like Dvořák and John Williams. A fantastic experience, we hope…
Year 3 kicked off their gardening workshop by learning about germination, the process of how plants grow. After being scientists, they became gardeners, planting veggies they will care for. In…
Hoxton Garden raised an impressive £180 from our Valentine's Bake Sale and competition held just before the half term break. Congratulations to our winner and well done to all those who entered…