We want the children in our school to:
- Enjoy reading all genre of books and appreciate the value and worth of reading in everyday life.
- Read a range of different kinds of reading material fluently and with understanding
- Make choices about the sorts of texts that they enjoy
- Use reading skills to search for information
- Use a full range of reading cues (e.g. phonics, grammar and context)
- Read ‘between the lines’ and behind the images
- Be exposed to literature that is beyond their current experience and fluency.
We use a number of different strategies to promote a child’s love of books and encourage them to become confident, independent readers. Children are provided with many opportunities to read, enjoy and share books as well as being emerged in language rich environments with access to a breadth of vocabulary and print. We have a range of reading books for children to borrow alongside a non-fiction library that contains a wide range of reading materials to support children of all abilities.
Throughout the school day children are provided with many opportunities to develop and strengthen their literacy skills. These include:
- Daily phonics sessions in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
- Daily supported reading sessions in Year 1
- A focused reading programme in KS2 which allows for discussion, analysis and written responses to text
- A focus text used in literacy lessons
- Home reading books and a reading diary to record in
- A class novel
- Opportunities to role play and act out fictional scenes
- Meeting real life authors
Where it has been identified that children need additional support to meet age related expectations, the school offer a range of intervention support strategies including:
- Daily precision reading
- Additional 1:1 reading with an adult or volunteer
- Computer based intervention support programmes
Our school maintains a large stock of reading books for children to borrow and take home. These are organised according to different colour bands. The bands link to our school assessments. Staff regularly check and assess children’s ability to ensure the children take home books carefully pitched to their ability level.