Our Art and Design curriculum is designed around five core units each year across Key Stage 1 and 2 with specific artist studies built in. Children study a range of works by a range of famous artists, of diverse backgrounds, to develop knowledge of styles. This is achieved through direct teaching and through cross-curricular opportunities in the classroom. Art is displayed in classrooms and around our school to motivate and inspire others and to celebrate outcomes.
- EYFS are exposed to a variety of creative tasks each week, indoors and outdoors.
- Activities given enable children to experiment and explore a wide range of materials, techniques and experiment with colour, texture, design, form and function.
- Vocabulary is planned and prioritised to support pupils to know more and increase their understanding.
- Pupils are taught to use a range of media to explore and create their own pieces of art work.
- They practise and develop their skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printing and collage. They develop techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
- They learn about the work of a range of artists, craftsmen and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, make links and evaluate their own work.
- Pupils are taught to develop control and use of materials, through experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
- Pupils improve their mastery of techniques in drawing, painting sculpture, printing and collage, learning to refine detail.
- Pupils evaluate their own work against the purpose of the artist or style.
Pupils are given opportunities to engage in Art and Design outside the classroom, with visits from artists, workshops, museum or gallery trips for example Work Week, holiday homework projects and enrichment events. Enrichment learning opportunities through clubs and competitions are frequent. Achievement and renewal of the Arts Mark is a priority focus.